The planet group of institution
The planet education institute-TPEI

The planet group of institution


SKILL DEVELOPMENT ALLOWANCE SCHEME 2013 A. Introduction: The Scheme of granting Skill Development Allowance to the unemployed youth has been detailed in the Budget Speech of Hon’ble Chief Minister for the Financial Year 2013-14 which aims at providing allowance to educated unemployed persons for their Skill upgradation.

B. Objective: a) this scheme intends to provide allowance to eligible educated unemployed Himachali youth for their skill upgradation. b) This in turn will enable such youth to develop their skill which in turn will enable them to take up employment or self-employment in the Sector of their choice, since this scheme empowers the youth to choose the Sector in which they would like to develop their skill, at the training institute of their choice.

For more information file attached:-

  1. SDAS Guideline
  2. Application form

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